Vastness: group exhibition
Vastness holds a different meaning for us all, and brings different responses- the immensity- the size, the joy and awe, and the wonderment. Our responses can also be varied- to nature, art, music, humanness
Anne Kempton, gallerist of Timeless Textiles Gallery, and fibre artist has, for several years chosen to dedicate some of her time outside the gallery exploring the physical vastness and beauty of various geographic locations. Anne has sought the experience of expansive landscapes in varied locations in Australia and aboard – such as deserts, the rural plains of outback Australia and trekking up steep mountains in Patagonia. For Anne, these journeys were at times pleasurable and at others, arduous. However, Anne’s experiences also provided her with views of, as well as periods of immersion in the astounding beauty of vastness.
In February 2024 experiencing the space and expanse of the Antarctic and South America became a possibility for Anne. The space and expanse intrigued Anne, and was the basis of documenting the impact of vastness in drawings and paintings. This was the theme for the 2024 100-day project. (Instagram: #the100dayproject: #100dayvastness: #eyesofmaree). The term, vastness, although commonly understood in terms of enormity and immensity, provokes different meanings for each of us and so may elicit different creative responses within us.
Anne has chosen 10 of her 100 paintings, evoking the sense of vastness, inviting 38 international and national artists to create their own response to the idea of vastness, either being inspired by their own experiences or in response to these 10 drawings.
These 38 contributing artists include :
UK artists Anne Kelly, Emily Tull, Charlie Lewin and Bev Caleno;
Eszter Bornemisza (Hungary);
Jette Clover (Belgium);
Lois Evans and Alysn Midgelow-Marsden (NZ);
Nicola Henley (Ireland); Dawn Edwards (USA) Jennifer Tsuchida (Canada)
and the remaining artists are from Australia: Brett Alexander, Kelcie Bryant-Duguid, Amanda Charge, Penny Creighton, Eira Chidgey, Susan Doherty, Rieteka Geursen, Flora Friedmann, Jennifer Florey, Varelle Hardy, Petra Hilsen, Judy Hooworth, Ann-Maree Kelly, Anne Kempton, Anne Leon, Catherine Lee, Nicole de Mestre, Gloria Muddle, Julie Anne Rogers, Sue Russell, Bernadette Sheahan, Ruth Spence, Liz Powell, Wendy Scott, Jen Smith, Narelle Sheahan and Kate Tribe.
Vastness exhibition is a display of these responses to vastness – the size, joy, awe and wonderment of all that surrounds us.