Faces and Places
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The Wednesday Makers Group @ Timeless Textiles Gallery is renowned for engaging creative projects which support our community.
This year, the Wednesday group completed the Postcard Portraits which were exhibited in “Travelled”, supporting UK artist Anne Kelly and is currently knitting and crocheting for the yarn bombing event, “Wrapping The Wetlands”. Following these successes and the last year’s major project, “Circles of Strength”, we are inspired to start our new project, Faces and Places.
Do you have a “face or place” which you would like remembered and interpreted in stitch?
This could be a person – a family member, a friend, a celebrity, a pet or a favourite place, – a childhood home or somewhere else special to you. We are offering you the opportunity to have a unique and a meaningful textile artwork created for you by one of our talented people in the Wednesday group for $50, which will be donated to support court advocacy in the Hunter area for those who are experiencing domestic violence. This could be a great gift for someone important to you as well as donating to a very necessary and worthy community cause.
Newcastle Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
Newcastle Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (NWDVCAS) supports women and their children seeking information and help about domestic and family violence, and how to get protection from the court. Domestic violence is the most common form of assault in Australia today and takes on many forms. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuses such as frequent insults or intimidation, economic abuse and control of your money, social abuse like not allowing you to see friends or family or use your phone, and spiritual abuse such as using your beliefs to ridicule you, are all examples of domestic or family violence. Domestic and family violence can be perpetrated by intimate partners, children, carers, other residents in a group home, and kinship relations. NWDVCAS has specialist workers to help all women including Aboriginal women, women from multicultural backgrounds, older women and women with disability to access services, support and justice to be free from violence.
Faces and Places will be completed in the order they arrive in. Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for completion.