Stitch- that slow movement of thread and needle
Course Overview
Explore the many possibilities of stitching…
Explore the many possibilities of stitching – decorative embroidery, mending and upcycling clothing and household items, incorporating beads, buttons and other embellishments.
The Wednesday group at Timeless Textiles is currently working on a creative project, “Out of the Wood” – creating beautiful art works combining textile and fibre with recycled wood, supporting a community program , “Our Backyard” . Our Backyard is a unique program assisting the homeless by offering a safe parking place for those sleeping in their cars and other connections to facilitate living in a car to a more permanent residence.
To add another dimension to this wonderful weekly community, we are introducing the opportunity to learn and explore a new stitch or “stitch” technique each month. The last Wednesday of the month will be our learning day when an artist tutor will facilitate an informal workshop introducing a stitch/technique. On other Wednesdays, participants may continue to explore that stitch or technique with guidance and come along, have a cuppa and stitch their own projects and enjoy the company of the Wednesday group.
Teacher Profile:
Katia graduated from the Moscow State University of Arts and Industry in 1995. Her exploration of various methods and mediums has led to a development of a more specific direction that sparked love in the realm of textile and fiber art.
Materials List
All available at workshop
Workshop Terms
While our fibre art workshops are usually held in the gallery's historically significant workshop space, the workshop venue may change according to the needs and wishes of the artist tutor. Likewise, the times of the workshops may vary depending on the type of workshop and its presentation.
Timeless Textiles Gallery will, at its own discretion, where a participant is unable to attend a fibre art workshop, an exchange or credit note will be made available or a refund of the deposit or payment in accordance with the following Workshop Refund Policy.
Major commitments must be met, and in fairness to all, the policy concerning the refund is:
Cancellations 3 months prior to workshop date - refund 80% fees paid
Cancellations 2 months prior to workshop date- refund 50% fees paid.
Cancellations 1 month prior to workshop date- no refund.