
Make your own squares -The secret of my work “400_squares…” with Kerstin Bennier

Course Overview

Make your own squares -The secret of my work “400_squares…”  with Kerstin Benner


Teacher Profile



Materials List

Material list

printed silk like Chiffon, a.s.o.

and or printed cotton fabric (best if it is only printed with one colour)

any fabric that you can use for Nuno felting

wool for felting

cotton yarns & sewing threads for embroidery (in the colour you like or that fits to the wool and fabric)

Contact adhesive for mounting on the substrate

Sewing & embroidery needles


wooden background, small squares, rectangles (4-5 pcs), max. 15x15cm – 20x20cm or bigger, if you want to make only 1 – 2 pcs.


There is a small selection of materials available for a fee of $ 25

Workshop Terms

While our fibre art workshops are usually held in the gallery's historically significant workshop space, the workshop venue may change according to the needs and wishes of the artist tutor. Likewise, the times of the workshops may vary depending on the type of workshop and its presentation.

Timeless Textiles Gallery will, at its own discretion, where a participant is unable to attend a fibre art workshop, an exchange or credit note will be made available or a refund of the  deposit or payment in accordance with the following Workshop Refund Policy.

Major commitments must be met, and in fairness to all, the policy concerning the refund is:
Cancellations 3 months prior to workshop date - refund 80% fees paid
Cancellations 2 months prior to workshop date- refund 50% fees paid.
Cancellations 1 month prior to workshop date- no refund.


18 - 19 Jan 2020


9:30 am - 4:30 pm



