Exploring Motif – Kelcie Bryant-Duguid
Course Overview
In this workshop we will begin by making backgrounds for cloth and paper using techniques such as ecoprint, rust, shibori, batik and discharge printing.
Through drawing and mark-making exercises we will develop designs for printing using a variety of techniques including linocut, drypoint etching (using acetate plates), and linear monotype.
Hand and machine stitch will be explored in the construction and embellishment of a variety of small book forms. Alternatively you could begin work on a small stitched piece or scroll.
While the materials list is detailed, it is a guide – a range of materials will be provided for you to try. If you have some of your own bring them along. If you have a gelliplate bring it along as well as any drawing supplies you may have in your stash that you’ve been saving for a rainy day and would like to try. (Also bring your stamps, stencils, woodblocks etc if you have them).
With a focus on a single subject or small object of your choice – could be from nature (think seedpod, leaf, feather or found object) or home (domestic items such as: bottle, coffee cup, kitchen gadget, can opener, etc) we will observe and draw to explore possibilities across a range of techniques and materials that are linked, creating a connection that allows for deeper engagement and the potential for further research to develop your own visual language.
NB If you have something special in mind, you will need to bring it. The item should be no bigger than a water bottle – it could even be a water bottle if you want! This information is provided for those who will say ‘I wish they had told me because I would have brought ‘x’ if I had known. Do not spend time agonising over this. The idea is to look at things with different eyes. It’s okay if you don’t bring anything – you will have plenty in your supplies or handbag to choose from.
Teacher Profile
Kelcie’s training as a secondary high school teacher specialising in textiles, design and art has provided her with a wealth of practical knowledge and experience in the field of textiles and printmaking. In addition to a Bachelor of Ed. she has an Associate Diploma in Apparel Pattern Production and Certificate in Bridal/Couture wear. Her textile skills are broad including spinning, weaving, dyeing, printmaking and encaustic mixed media. She has demonstrated and led adult workshops and facilitated community based textile projects and installations with councils, schools and galleries.
Materials List
Students to bring –
Materials List Paper
A4 sketchbook
A3 water colour pad – don’t buy an expensive pad – Mont Marte or Reno brand are fine for what we will be doing
A4 photocopy paper
Basic Drawing Kit including – 2B pencil, Progresso (woodless lead pencil 2B-6B any), Lyra graphite watercolour pencil (these are chubby and make great marks – I like the 6B but any B is fine), a dip pen (the ones used for calligraphy) and standard nib, glue stick, sharpener, ruler.
In addition, bring a wide range of mark making pens, gel pens, pencils, sharpies, oil pastels, crayons, coloured pencils, textas etc (if you have them). Don’t buy things especially.
Watercolour paints – a kids paint tray is fine or Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth sets (stacked round palette) are small and portable and a refillable watercolour brush is great to have.
Acrylic paints (for gelliplate printing) – a selection of colours you like to use. Any brand is fine.
Gelliplate – if you have one
Stamps, stencils, wood blocks if you have them.
A selection of brushes – include a house paint brush, and standard brushes like the type you’d use in school, plus anything you like to use.
A spray water bottle.
Brayer and ice cream lid as palette
A sponge foam roller and tray (come as a set from Bunnings, metal handle is best) or if you have a roller bring an ice-cream lid as palette.
Self-heal mat – if you have it (A4 or larger)
Blade or scalpel for cutting
Papers – bring a small selection of papers for collage and stitch. These could include, maps, envelopes, tissue paper, wrapping paper, brown paper, joss papers, dressmaking patterns, magazines, newspaper, book pages with images or text, old letters, etc.
Materials List – Fabric and Sewing
Fabric – prewash and iron for printing and dyeing.
1m calico
2m other cotton – can be recycled, reclaimed bed sheets etc.
50cm drill or plain weave black or dark coloured cotton (for discharge dyeing, do nor buy expensive quilting cottons.
Yarns and thread for hand stitching
Embroidery threads – colours you like to use. Could also include: perle cotton, Lyscot, etc. Don’t go out and buy anything special. You can often get bags of mixed threads from Vinnie’s – these will be used for stitching.
4ply crochet cotton in a couple of colours that you like to use.
Hand sewing needles with eyes big enough to thread your yarns.
Basic sewing machine (with the ability to drop the feed dogs – darning setting).
Open toe or applique foot
Spare needles – size 80-100 topstitch, metallic if using decorative threads
Spare bobbins
Embroidery hoop – I use a 16cm plastic one from Daiso, any hoop is fine.
Machine thread – a range of colours, (standard sewing thread).
Embroidery or decorative yarns if you have them.
Basic sewing kit
Extras/ Miscellaneous
Lino tools – if you have them
Etching tools or scribe – if you have one
Awl – if you have one
Bull dog clips – to hold things together as you’re working (books) but also larger ones (the black plastic type) for holding dye bundles together.
Newspapers – it is a rare commodity.
For your workspace
A plastic place mat to work on
1 pkt of garbage bags (standard green on a roll) – to stack wet samples on
A bucket or tub – to transport anything that is wet
Materials fee and kit $20
Workshop Terms
While our fibre art workshops are usually held in the gallery's historically significant workshop space, the workshop venue may change according to the needs and wishes of the artist tutor. Likewise, the times of the workshops may vary depending on the type of workshop and its presentation.
Timeless Textiles Gallery will, at its own discretion, where a participant is unable to attend a fibre art workshop, an exchange or credit note will be made available or a refund of the deposit or payment in accordance with the following Workshop Refund Policy.
Major commitments must be met, and in fairness to all, the policy concerning the refund is:
Cancellations 3 months prior to workshop date - refund 80% fees paid
Cancellations 2 months prior to workshop date- refund 50% fees paid.
Cancellations 1 month prior to workshop date- no refund.