An introduction to drawing and painting with thread’ with Emily Tull

Course Overview

During this workshop you learn about and experiment with mark making, recreating the basics of drawing using hand stitching. Leading on to looking at the blending of colours and markings to create a thread painting of a Fairy Wren.

Materials List

Materials List:



7” embroidery hoop


pencil/fabric marker of choice


mid – light green fabric for base, to fit a 7” embroidery hoop

brown fabric for branch

a mix of organza/net/lace scraps in green/brown/blue for background

piece of plain fabric (any colour) to use for practice stitch mark making, to fit 7” hoop


these can can silks, embroidery thread or general sewing threads (anything that can be thinned to a single strand).


very dark grey

a mix of different mid to light greys  (Gutermann 469, 38)


light cream/off white

very dark brown

chocolate brown           (coats duet 7310)

light reddish brown     (Gutermann 139)

very light brown beige   (Gutermann 722)

very light blue

mid light blue

bluebell/peacock blue

light navy blue

Workshop Terms

While our fibre art workshops are usually held in the gallery's historically significant workshop space, the workshop venue may change according to the needs and wishes of the artist tutor. Likewise, the times of the workshops may vary depending on the type of workshop and its presentation.

Timeless Textiles Gallery will, at its own discretion, where a participant is unable to attend a fibre art workshop, an exchange or credit note will be made available or a refund of the  deposit or payment in accordance with the following Workshop Refund Policy.

Major commitments must be met, and in fairness to all, the policy concerning the refund is:
Cancellations 3 months prior to workshop date - refund 80% fees paid
Cancellations 2 months prior to workshop date- refund 50% fees paid.
Cancellations 1 month prior to workshop date- no refund.

Sold out!


19 - 21 Oct 2024


9:30 am - 4:30 pm




Timeless Textiles Gallery


Timeless Textiles Gallery
90 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW, Australia